A more surprising loss for me has been having an outlet for
my random little thoughts throughout the day. I’m an external processor—I feel
the need to share my ideas before they seem complete to me. Facebook was a
great way to get this done without annoying my husband and friends with
frequent interruptions during the day. Truthfully, I also crave external
validation. I have a hard time completing even the most trivial task without
receiving some kind of affirmation. Should
I be able to do this for myself? Absolutely, but I guess I still have some
growing up to do, because I still want other people to pat me on the back for a
job well done. This is especially true for tasks that I find boring, but
necessary, or very challenging. I also miss having a one-stop posting venue for
updates about the kids and their witticisms.
So why did I leave? I found that Facebook was distorting my perceptions of reality in a number of ways—primarily through repeated online interactions with friends of varying degrees of real life intimacy and through the reinforcement of preconceptions. Both of these are huge issues which I will treat separately, but I’d also like to mention the usual issues such as the lack of privacy and the aggressive advertising. Pretty much everyone acknowledges the need for Facebook to make money through advertising; what people object to is the way it’s done. Do they really have to own everyone’s personal photographs in order to make money?
The distortion of friendship via social media is something that I think is underappreciated, if acknowledged at all. While there are absolutely genuine and important functions for these media to play (see above) it is also true that repeatedly interacting with folks tends to raise their importance in our minds (and also to move them to the top of our news feeds.) I have been thrilled to reconnect with dear old friends as well as high school buddies and former coworkers. I had a policy of only accepting (or issuing) friend requests from/to folks that I actually had met in real life, so I didn’t have the disturbing issue of phony persons interacting with me. (My husband went through quite a dramatic encounter with one such entity, who was part of a political forum that he helped moderate.) Facebook facilitated the deepening of some of these relationships for me, and for that I am truly grateful. However it also had the unsettling and largely unconscious effect of overemphasizing relationships based on frequency. Some of these popular apps would tell you who your “best friends” were based on Facebook interactions, but clearly someone who was not part of the community could never be seen as such, nor could someone who simply doesn’t use the medium that often. The cynical, paranoid part of me sort of believes that that’s exactly the intended consequence—that the powers that be in this company would like for us to use our real world influence to pressure our friends and relatives to “join the borg”. Such a science-fictionesque reading is not necessary though to be troubled that my brain is being subtly influenced (through frequency of contact and placement in my feed) to think that my long, lost, high school buddy is actually a more important “friend” than my mother (who was, until very recently, not on Facebook at all, and still is an infrequent user.) Many of my favorite people are not a part of the Facebook community, and some people that I don’t even really get along with that well were constant contributors to my “news feed”. Folks were also disproportionately represented by the amount of time they had to dedicate to the project. Independent contractors, retirees, stay-at-home parents, and the unemployed made up a large proportion of the posters in my personal FB world. That left all of those other folks, who just didn’t have the time, out of the loop, but of course they aren’t less important to me because they have work that precludes their access to a computer during the day. It was a lot easier to keep in touch with everyone in one place, but some people weren’t there. Now everyone is on an equal footing again.
So why did I leave? I found that Facebook was distorting my perceptions of reality in a number of ways—primarily through repeated online interactions with friends of varying degrees of real life intimacy and through the reinforcement of preconceptions. Both of these are huge issues which I will treat separately, but I’d also like to mention the usual issues such as the lack of privacy and the aggressive advertising. Pretty much everyone acknowledges the need for Facebook to make money through advertising; what people object to is the way it’s done. Do they really have to own everyone’s personal photographs in order to make money?
The distortion of friendship via social media is something that I think is underappreciated, if acknowledged at all. While there are absolutely genuine and important functions for these media to play (see above) it is also true that repeatedly interacting with folks tends to raise their importance in our minds (and also to move them to the top of our news feeds.) I have been thrilled to reconnect with dear old friends as well as high school buddies and former coworkers. I had a policy of only accepting (or issuing) friend requests from/to folks that I actually had met in real life, so I didn’t have the disturbing issue of phony persons interacting with me. (My husband went through quite a dramatic encounter with one such entity, who was part of a political forum that he helped moderate.) Facebook facilitated the deepening of some of these relationships for me, and for that I am truly grateful. However it also had the unsettling and largely unconscious effect of overemphasizing relationships based on frequency. Some of these popular apps would tell you who your “best friends” were based on Facebook interactions, but clearly someone who was not part of the community could never be seen as such, nor could someone who simply doesn’t use the medium that often. The cynical, paranoid part of me sort of believes that that’s exactly the intended consequence—that the powers that be in this company would like for us to use our real world influence to pressure our friends and relatives to “join the borg”. Such a science-fictionesque reading is not necessary though to be troubled that my brain is being subtly influenced (through frequency of contact and placement in my feed) to think that my long, lost, high school buddy is actually a more important “friend” than my mother (who was, until very recently, not on Facebook at all, and still is an infrequent user.) Many of my favorite people are not a part of the Facebook community, and some people that I don’t even really get along with that well were constant contributors to my “news feed”. Folks were also disproportionately represented by the amount of time they had to dedicate to the project. Independent contractors, retirees, stay-at-home parents, and the unemployed made up a large proportion of the posters in my personal FB world. That left all of those other folks, who just didn’t have the time, out of the loop, but of course they aren’t less important to me because they have work that precludes their access to a computer during the day. It was a lot easier to keep in touch with everyone in one place, but some people weren’t there. Now everyone is on an equal footing again.
Which brings me to the second big issue for me—reinforcement
of preconceptions, homogeneity of thought and/or overreaction to dissent. It
turns out that folks on Facebook, by and large, only want affirmation for their
already accepted beliefs. I found this out the hard way. I tried to engage in
dialogue, but I was clearly told that it was not desired. Unfortunately for me
and my friends, it took me a few spectacular failures before I finally accepted
that this was a deep truth that I could not change. One of the big differences
between the written word and the spoken word is emotional context. I have no doubt
that with the majority of these friends, I could have easily and relatively
calmly expressed my objections to their viewpoint without any great acrimony,
but the written word does not as readily convey the underlying empathy and
connection that a personal conversation does. In fact, one thoughtful and
mature friend took the time to stop an online debate in midstream to pick up
the phone and give me a call. We had a very nice, civil discussion, which had
the effect of driving home for me the preference for a voice conversation over
a written one. Another important contributor to the inherent difficulties
Facebook communications is the fact that it is a public forum, and as such we
have the additional aspect of individuals feeling the need to “save face” or
avoid embarrassment. Generally people are more receptive to changing their
views if they have time to process the conflicting or new information in
private, and they don’t want to feel publicly chastised or corrected. While I
understand and appreciate these dynamics, I think they end up accentuating a
growing problem in our nation—polarization. This was really made clear to me
during the recent election cycle. I believe on the one hand that people feel
bombarded by oppositional points of view. With the tacit understanding that
it’s not polite to disagree, we’re left with feeling that the “other side” is
“pushing” their ideas on us. This feeling creates a reactionary feeling where
we end up, on the other hand, pushing our own views out there, again with the
clear understanding that we are only looking for sympathy and agreement. I
think this creates a vicious cycle of feeling aggrieved and being unwilling to
engage. In real life, we largely avoid these more hostile feelings by
concentrating on our connections, such as our belonging to the same family
during a holiday meal or being members of the same church or club. When our connection
is narrowed to the types of interactions that are possible in cyberspace, and
when our ability to disengage is as easy as one click, we leave ourselves
vulnerable to increasing intolerance.
So I am done, at least for now, I want to go back to something more authentic and traditional, you know like email and texting—only partly kidding. But seriously, even with these other forms of new technology, there is a more level playing field—no one can “promote” themselves, nor do they get moved to the top of the heap just because of the frequency of interaction. I’m also going to try to spend some time on the blog and Twitter. I like Twitter, because for me, it’s a non-stop stream of fascinating articles, which was one of the big draws to Facebook in the first place. People seem to be posting fewer of them on FB these days too, which is another disincentive for me. So I’m not forgetting about social media altogether, but I’m taking my time to do other things.
So I am done, at least for now, I want to go back to something more authentic and traditional, you know like email and texting—only partly kidding. But seriously, even with these other forms of new technology, there is a more level playing field—no one can “promote” themselves, nor do they get moved to the top of the heap just because of the frequency of interaction. I’m also going to try to spend some time on the blog and Twitter. I like Twitter, because for me, it’s a non-stop stream of fascinating articles, which was one of the big draws to Facebook in the first place. People seem to be posting fewer of them on FB these days too, which is another disincentive for me. So I’m not forgetting about social media altogether, but I’m taking my time to do other things.
I envy you! I try to break my FB addiction only to keep going back. I know it's coming soon though because I agree with everything you've said here and FB only continues to disappoint me. When I moved away from all of my friends and family it was a great option for me. I get to stay in touch with everyone and watch their kids grow up as they watch mine. I don't know anymore. I think I'd rather just put in the extra effort of calling, texting, sending pictures through email and the mail. One time I quit myspace a long time ago and I got a call from a really old high school friend saying that she read that one of my close friends had died. I thought she was crazy or misread something but sure enough he died the night before and it spread so fast on Myspace, I hadn't even heard from his family yet! I am so worried of missing stuff now. Would my closest friends call me when they have big news or just assume everyone will see it on FB you know? Ugh. Oh, this is Brandi by the way. ; )
ReplyDeleteEvery time I learn of another friend's dropping out of Facebook, I can't help but take it a bit personally. It's as if that friend has finally come to realize that it's nothing but a big ol' distraction from the things in life that 'really' matter while the rest of us losers stay on, looking to press "like" on another cuddly kitten photo.
ReplyDeleteIf I'm reading this right (which isn't always easy with you!), in addition to your belief that FB is a great place for anyone suffering from some sort of pathology, whether psychological or somatic, you also think it's ultimately a bad place for real and meaningful human interaction because it promotes a culture of "personalized" celebrity. And, you can't past the constant and annoying advertising, the photo policy, the automatic friend-prioritizing and all the other features of the infrastructure? C'mon, girl, all of this is real-world stuff that all of us confront the moment we wake up and smell the Folger's in our cup; it's a bit naive to think that it should be unavoidable, nay unacceptable, on a social network that still remains free to users.
The above being stated, I must say that I'm sorry to see another good one go. Your posts were lively, engaging and worthwhile, and they will be missed. I, for one, have a lot of fun on FB. It's a great place to share and trade stories, life updates, photos, opinions and... yes, photos of cuddly kittens.
Definitey not personal, TigerSoul. I do not look down on folks who are active members of Facebook, in fact I'm married to one. I do not think it's "a bad place for real and meaningful human interaction". I think it can be a very good place for that. I also realize it (or something like it) is here to stay, and it is very good when people use it wisely. I was however not doing that. I suspect I will get back on eventually, but I definitely needed to "detox" and live at a slower pace for awhile. I know many, many people who have no such need, because they weren't overusing or misusing Facebook.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate very much that you have expressed that you miss me there. I miss you too. You were one of the lights there for sure, as was Brandi, who commented above, and your lovely wife who wrote to me privately. I agree with everything you say about the benefits, and yet I still needed to do what I did. The effect it was having on me was subtle, which is why I chose to write about it, because I thought some other people might see themselves in my musings. Of course we are all very different, and our Facebook experiences are all very different, so there can be no "one size fits all".
I agree that FB can create a false reality, and it is not an adequate substitute for connection. As Brandi mentioned above, many people expect to communicate through FB. It has become a perceived need for many. Teri, taking a break will be useful if you ever decide to use FB again. Or at least you might approach it differently? Interestingly, I have talked with many young people (18-24) that don't enjoy social media. Some prefer a paper calendar over their smart phone! It will be fascinating to see what happens five, ten, twenty, years down the road.